Front pageMediaMagazines, Newspapers, Radio

CFAR - Arctic Radio

Flin Flon enjoyed a local AM broadcasting from radio station CFAR - Arctic Radio from when radio was still a new concept and continues to provide, news , community service and entertainment to this day
C. F. A. R. 75 Callinan St. Flin Flon 1955

Cottage North Magazine

Cottage North is a bi-monthly magazine, published locally and distributed regionally. Our goal is to be an informative, engaging publication that both reflects and enhances the cultural landscape of our region
200902 Jan-Feb Cottage North

Northroots Magazine

Frank Fieber published 69 issues of Northroots from 2004 to 2015. Stories about Northern Manitoba, from Northern Manitoba. Writers include Gerald Kuehl, Myrna Guymer, Doug Evans, and Dave Negrych among others.
201409 Northroots Aug/Sep

The Brass Monkey

A Local Publication Featuring Articles of Interest to Flin Flon
The Brass Monkey Vol 1 #3 August 09, 1973

The Underground Press (Snow Lake)

Snow Lake's community newspaper "The Underground Press" began in September of 1996 by Janet and Tom Hilliard. Although the Hilliards only ran the paper for four issues before leaving Snow Lake, it continued on for another 332 editions under the editorial control of Marc Jackson before ceasing publication in December 2017.

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November 24, 2011